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Bossco Auto 4x4 Accessories does not supply any original goods or parts for vehicles and is not an authorised supplier for any vehicle manufacturers. Bossco Auto 4x4 Accessories indicates that an aftermarket product or aftermarket part is suitable for a vehicle by using the words “for”, “to suit” or “suitable for” and the description of the name of the make and model of a vehicle for that indicative purpose only.
Contact Bossco 4x4 Accessories - Get Your 4WD Car Parts Today!
Visit us to see our full range of 4x4 accessories and get them fitted by one of our trusty, knowledgeable and experienced technicians. Contact us today on 02 8729-6777 or email: to find parts and accessories that your car will love.
Address: 1/12 Bernera Road, Prestons, New South Wales, 2170, Australia
Opening hours:
9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Wednesday
9:00am - 6:30pm Thursday
9:00am - 5:00pm Friday
Saturday: By appointment only